
What Recruiters Do Versus What You Think They Do

What Recruiters Do Versus What You Think They Do I’m talking to the job seekers; those who are looking for that next job after being laid off. The ones who never needed help because they were always given jobs from friends or family members – but now that’s dried up. I’m writing to those who […]

expensive things

4 Things That Cost You The Job (and it’s not your resume)

As much as we want to believe we are judged solely on our skills, education, experience and abilities – it’s just not always true. And unfortunately, the interview process is all about judgment. The hiring decision can be the most costly decision a company can make, and the higher the position the higher the risk. […]


Why Looking For a Job Sucks (like really bad)

Why Looking For a Job Sucks (like really hard) I don’t know a single person who enjoys looking for a new job…no one at all. I know some that will do it whenever necessary but I don’t know anyone who relishes the experience of looking and finding a new job. The entire process of job […]


Rebranding At Any Age

Rebranding At Any Age Lately, I have been working with older more experienced people who are looking to either re-enter the job market or transition to something less demanding. One concern that they all seem to have is using their experience without branding themselves as an “old-timer”. The job market can be very fickle – […]