There is a change in the job market today folks and you need to be aware of it. For people of a certain age (and I am in this category by the way) our opportunities to make big money and prolong our careers are coming to an end. Sorry – its reality. As we get […]
Category: Job Tips
These Things Are Killing Your Job Search
These Things Are Killing Your Job Search I’m connected to hundreds of HR professionals and Recruiters. Right now many of them are trying to find that perfect new candidate to join their team. If you are not on Twitter then you are missing out because recruiters are tweeting job openings under the hashtags #jobs #work […]
What Recruiters Do Versus What You Think They Do
What Recruiters Do Versus What You Think They Do I’m talking to the job seekers; those who are looking for that next job after being laid off. The ones who never needed help because they were always given jobs from friends or family members – but now that’s dried up. I’m writing to those who […]
The One Thing You Must Do To Get The Job
The One Thing You Must Do To Get The Job There are so many rules to finding a job today - more than in the past. Previously, all you needed was a strong network of friends, then there came the Want Ads but they were replaced by online company pages, now you have company pages, job […]
4 Things That Cost You The Job (and it’s not your resume)
As much as we want to believe we are judged solely on our skills, education, experience and abilities – it’s just not always true. And unfortunately, the interview process is all about judgment. The hiring decision can be the most costly decision a company can make, and the higher the position the higher the risk. […]
Why Looking For a Job Sucks (like really bad)
Why Looking For a Job Sucks (like really hard) I don’t know a single person who enjoys looking for a new job…no one at all. I know some that will do it whenever necessary but I don’t know anyone who relishes the experience of looking and finding a new job. The entire process of job […]
Want a job? Get Poached! Recruiters Latest Trend!
Get Poached! Do you know what that means? No? Well you should because it’s happening to people every day. In fact I am getting more and more of my resume clients report to me that they are being poached. You can’t be poached if you are not accessible. To those of you who know someone […]
Wait Until the New Year or Look Now During the Holiday Season?
To wait or to keep on looking? It’s a debate that wages on since the dawn of time – okay that’s a bit dramatic; however it is a question that comes around annually. Bam, holiday season hits and we want the warm comforts of blankets, soups, hot chocolates and fests. The productivity level goes down […]
Tips You SHOULD Use #JobSeekers #Interviews
Tips You SHOULD Use #JobSeekers #Interviews Let’s help you get closer to that job you really want. Here some articles I’ve seen in and around the web that are dead on correct. First. When you apply for job, do you know what the recruiter does when they get your resume? Well, check this one out […]
Rebranding At Any Age
Rebranding At Any Age Lately, I have been working with older more experienced people who are looking to either re-enter the job market or transition to something less demanding. One concern that they all seem to have is using their experience without branding themselves as an “old-timer”. The job market can be very fickle – […]