Rippin’ the Résumé with Torin Ellis

Rippin’ the Résumé with Torin Ellis

Have you ever met someone in life and instantly you got along with them? Well that is what happened with I met Mr. Torin Ellis. He is a very understated gentleman from the standpoint of he won’t go bragging about his accomplishments or run down is resume to you. He’s a listener. He’s a helper. And he’s very smart.

I am drawn to those qualities in people because I believe in life we are all just trying to make and sometimes we need a little help. Torin has been all about helping his entire life.

Let me tell you how he’s helped me. In my attempts to try to help Torin, I learned more about him and what he does, you should follow him on LinkedIn and hire him to come to your area and speak to your teams about Recruiting, Diversity and Technology but Torin ended up helping me. He has a standing invitation on Karen Hunter’s SiriusXM radio show where he talks about the job search, résumés, and careers. He has referred several people to me and dropped my name on the show a few times.

But that’s not all, when he was putting his book “Rip the Résumé” he asked me if I would be interested in having a small part by providing a couple of before and after resume designs. I was/am and still is honored.

So for those of you who don’t know me, get the book “Rip the Résumé” checkout my website ResumeCrusade and follow me on Instagram and Twitter at (you’ve guessed it) ResumeCrusade.


Get the book “Rip the Résumé” and if you need help with your resume credential contact me “[email protected]