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Network to Get Work: Tips to Help You Network Better

Networking has been on my mind lately. It is a key piece in finding new jobs and opportunities. I think the perception of networking is being at a party or gathering and reciting your elevator pitch. (An elevator pitch is a quick summation of you and your value proposition in the time it takes on […]

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There will be no “New You” in the new year with the same old resume

If you type in a Google search “New Year, New You”, you see over 13 billion results. The reason is because that’s a popular phrase with renewed interest each year. Many of us start out the new year on mission - a mission to be healthier, wiser, and of course wealthier. One road to greater […]


Resume Myths

There is a lot of misinformation regarding resumes. And, I think I know where it is coming from. First of all, very few people actually love resumes - and most people hate them. That hate for resumes is manifested in the way we create them, read them and it continues because we teach the next […]


Recruiters Can Be Lazy Too

Recruiters Can Be Lazy Too Unfortunately, some recruiters will read the title and get really upset with me, they may even troll me on social media or drag me through the comment section, but the truth is some recruiters ARE lazy. And the lazy ones will probably never see this article because they are too […]