Are You Afraid to Pay for a Resume?
It’s tough to pay anyone for something that you feel you can do yourself. You want to make sure that you aren’t going to be ripped off or taken advantage of. No one understands that more than me which is why it’s very difficult for me to “sell” my services to people who are reluctant. My favorite clients are those that know they need help, understand the value of having a great resume, ready to pay, and have looked at my sample page.
For every one of those, I get 2 or 3 that are unsure and nervous about the process. A few of my most recent customers were more comfortable hiring me after hearing my interview with Chris Russell on his Career Cloud Podcast. You can listen here.
Again, I don’t really like self-promotion but someone has to share these success stories with you – the jobseeker! So here a few real life stories from recent clients.
They All Said “DON’T DO IT”
She was more than skeptical about hiring me; in fact she didn’t want to but felt she needed to. Her boyfriend and financial advisor told her I was too expensive and it was a mistake, but she took a chance and hired me anyway. She had been looking for a job for 6 months but once we finished her resume and cover letter, three weeks later she had a job - better yet, she has a great job that she is totally happy and excited about. She is thankful and her boyfriend and financial advisor both sent messages of gratitude and apologies.
Fast Results
After hearing the podcast this young lady hired me to help her transition to new career in research marketing. She was not reluctant at all; in fact she was ready to move forward quickly. We updated her resume and cover letter, made some minor corrections and 2 days after the project was complete, she received a call from an employer for a job she had been eyeing. She’s already had her 2nd interview and hopefully a decision will be made soon.
Twenty Years without a Resume
The next story comes from an Executive who has never had a resume in over 20 years. The good and bad thing about this client was he had never had a resume so he had no comparison point of reference between a good and bad resume. So I made him an Executive level resume and updated his bare LinkedIn profile. He loved it but sent it to some of his friends to get their opinions as well. They told him that it was very strong but the most important judge was his wife, who was an English teacher. She also loved it and gave her stamp of approval.
Smart Folks Need Help Too!
The last one comes from a very tech savvy guy who knows everything there is to know about computers, networks, servers and virtualization (techy stuff). I share that because he is brilliant and he is direct. He told me flat out “I don’t want to do this but my current resume is not getting me any calls and I know I am qualified for these jobs.” He was right. He is more than qualified. His resume was 6 pages. I told him I was going to cut that resume down to 3 pages without losing any important information. He doubted me. I kind of doubted it too but I felt there had to be a way. So after learning more about his industry and what he does, I began to work on his resume. The end result was a 2.5 page resume and he had to admit he liked it and was surprised I was able to edit it and keep the relevant content.
Don’t be afraid to hire a resume writer, sometimes its just too much for you to handle on your own. Just do your homework and follow your gut!
Need help? Join the ResumeCrusade Contact me ‘[email protected]’