5 Things to Never Say or Do When Interviewing People of Color

There is a lot of bias in the hiring game – some of it unconscious. So as a guide to help you interview better here are some tips when interviewing people of color aka black and brown people. Keeping in mind that the whole point of an interview is to determine if someone has the […]


Hire Older Workers If You Want To Improve Your Workplace

Facts: Young people take things for granted. Don’t argue with me, it’s a fact of life.  We all take things for granted in our youth and don’t really regret it until we get older.  Again, don’t argue. I’m 46 now and for the past 6 years, I could have been a candidate for age discrimination […]

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Network to Get Work: Tips to Help You Network Better

Networking has been on my mind lately. It is a key piece in finding new jobs and opportunities. I think the perception of networking is being at a party or gathering and reciting your elevator pitch. (An elevator pitch is a quick summation of you and your value proposition in the time it takes on […]

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There will be no “New You” in the new year with the same old resume

If you type in a Google search “New Year, New You”, you see over 13 billion results. The reason is because that’s a popular phrase with renewed interest each year. Many of us start out the new year on mission - a mission to be healthier, wiser, and of course wealthier. One road to greater […]

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Convicted Felons Have No Place In The Workplace

Human Resources | Hiring Managers | Recruiters | Sourcers These people can be awfully judgey at times. Looking at all the expert resume and interview tips, most of them are just long lists of “Thou Shalt Nots” - or you will be banished to job hell.  “Don’t do this, don’t wear that, say this, use […]